Monday, July 18, 2011

Our First Giveaway - Featuring Wabisabi Green Modern Eco-Friendly Pillows

We're kicking this week off with a giveaway for 3 reasons:

1.  We'd like to re-introduce Jolee Pink, the artist behind Wabisabi Green.   (We love her fabulous eco-friendly beach house pillows!)

2.  We'd like a chance to get to know more of our coastal lifestyle friends - both here, and on our facebook page
3.  We want to reinforce our love of the sea, and the protection of the oceans with a giveaway of a Cocoa Tortuga- Sea Turtle Ocean Throw Pillow.  Wabisabi Green donates a portion of every sale towards Sea Turtle Conservation with Pro Peninsula Community and Nature. To learn more visit:   Pretty great way to support conservation efforts!

Jolee lives in the tiny community of Encinitas, in southern California, a seaside town, where her appreciation of the ocean environment has continued to grow.

Her images are inspired by nature, world travels and the southern California coastal lifestyle. She combines bright colors with fresh bold designs to add sizzle and pop to her eco chic home decor line.  She would love to hear your ideas for new designs!   Leave her a note on her Wabisabi Green Facebook page

Here's how to enter our Giveaway:

1. Become a new follower of the Everything Coastal Blog and/or leave us a comment about your eco-coastal lifestyle.


2. Join/Like Wabisabi Green's Facebook friends and leave a comment for Jolee on her Facebook page.  We would love to hear from you!

**All entries (U.S. addresses only) must be received by midnight, Sunday July 31, 2011.  Contest winner will be announced on the following Monday, August 1.


Here's a few of  my favorite  Wabisabi Green Eco-Friendly pillows on our site!


Jill Faulkner said...

I would LOVE to live the eco-coastal lifestyle but alas i am here in Michigan for the time being. Although my DECOR looks like i am living on the coast! :0)

Everything Coastal said...

Thanks Jill! Michigan is sort of coastal... I took my kids to Lake Huron a long time ago, and was amazed at the color of the water. Incredible!

Laura said...

I can only be eco-coastal in my mind, as there aren't many chances here in Missouri. But your site sure does help!

Everything Coastal said...

Thanks Laura!

Wes said...

I am so glad I found your page through Nicholas Landon Jewelry! I have had SO much fun browsing through everything! We live in Fort Lauderdale and try to spend every free moment on the beach. My husband was an Ocean Lifeguard - so over the years we have collected so many things from the beach - from sea glass, washed up sea fans, shells, sea beans - you name it. My entire home is decorated with as much "coastal" as I can get. Makes us feel like we are on perpetual vacation! Those pillows, I believe, would bring a little "vacation" feel to any home - coastal or not!

Everything Coastal said...

Hi Wes! You truly live in a magical place - I LOVE Florida beaches, have carted home more than one suitcase full of shells. It's a little embarrassing!

robin said...

I now follow this blog on my google reader. :)

harmony art said...

I live near the Pacific Ocean and walk to it about 2x a week (2.3 miles all downhill). I collect plastic bits that are washing up from the pacific gyre. I think Jolee's work is lovely! I really appreciate that she uses organic fabrics. (full disclosure - I am the producer of her organic aqua twill)

Rose West said...

Beautiful pillows! I love living coastal here in Hawaii! Life is simple - and we appreciate the small things - sunsets on the sea, sharing with neighbors and friends, supporting local farmers, get-togethers on the beach.

Seashells and Southern Belles said...

I am a follower of this blog and I love these pillows! I don't live on the coast, I am two hours away, but I'm an eco friendly here in the "city" by being a big recycler!

coastal femme said...

I'm a new follower and live on the southwest coast of Florida. Our family really tries to live an ecofriendly life style. We eat no red meat and no endangered fish. Most of our diet consists of grains and vegetables. We have two fuel efficient cars,recycle,get almost of our mail electronically and live in a cottage that's adequate size-but not large by any means. I just love the pillows;they're gorgeous!

Completely Coastal said...

The crab is my favorite, have seen it in magazine shots too!! I recycle..., eat no animals... (exception..., once in a while a grilled fish). And we traded our SUV into for a small Sedan -you won't believe how much money on gas we save too!

SeaShellsbySeaShore said...

We are serious trash collectors on our frequent trips to the beach! Even for short trips we always bring 2 leaf style trash bags. Before we have any fun- we fill those bags up. We often visit areas of the beach that are quite remote. Heavy equipment never reaches those areas and we do our part by picking up as much as we can.
I love the blog and this fabulous giveaway. The pillows are super awesome!

Anonymous said...

i like on facebook
joni taylor
joni dot taylor3710 at gmail dot com

Tina12312 said...

I'm following your blog and your pillows are so lovely! I live an eco-coastal life in my mind as we are about 100 miles from our beaches, but we also take most of our vacations on the islands, really enjoy checking different ones out. Since our trip to St. Thomas and St. John, I have been in thrall with iguanas, love them and would love to see a pillow with them on it. Thank you :)

Tina12312 said...

I like you on facebook (ChristineFidance) and I left a post.

jaime mchugh said...

i liked your page on facebook and left u a facebook comment! my email is

Everything Coastal said...

Thank you thank you thank you for all of the wonderful comments and ideas for living an eco-friendly life! I think I might have enough already to write several blog posts -

Maggie Mason- said...

Liked Wabisabi Green on FB love these pillows! Think this is a great cause, I love the ocean but I do not live by it! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I'm land-locked here in Ohio, but I'm a beach girl at heart! These pillows are fabulous!

I found your site today through A Beach Cottage. :-)

littlelatina said...

the cutest pillows ever!

Anonymous said...

ex new englander,so miss the ocean!! Those are some really nice pillows!!!

madpay said...

very cool accents

Privet and Holly said...

Hi Caron!
So fun to get your
beach house newsletter
in my e-mail this
morning. I am dreaming
of an eco-coastal lifestyle,
some day! In the
meantime, I will be
in Long Beach next
week and that will be
heavenly. These are
some really gorgeous
pillows. Hope you
are well!
xx Suzanne

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for this post Caron, now following via Google reader! The pillows are my new favorite find :) I have my own blog and newly started online business for recycled handmade chic nautical products and environmental issues, That's just one of the ways I try to stay eco-friendly. Reusable grocery bag collecting, transforming wine bottles, old wood frames, etc into artsy creations, growing herbs, making sure to turn off lights, driving a fuel-efficient car, and volunteering for beach clean-ups are some of my favs!
~ Tiffany, Kaminski

GabbyLowe said...

i follow your blog and I live at the Jersey Shore so I love this type of coastal decor.

Simple Daisy said...

Fabulous give-away!! I'll post it on my facebook page:)

Anonymous said...

I liked Wasabi Green on facebook, great pillows!
sjmagee1 at verizon dot net

michelle said...

I can't believe I almost missed this, thank you for the reminder. I love these pillows, especially the crab. :) I love living on Lake Michigan and finding ways to recycle things into my "cottage" home.

Seaside Style said...

Caon, thanks for the reminder. I am already a follower. I love the crab! I have so many crab things in my coastal home of SC it would fit perfect! So many natural elements in my home. I think my fave are my back splash tiles in my kitchen made from seashells.

Seaside Style said...

oops! Caron, and I can't type !

Anonymous said...

HI Caron - Love the giveaway and your look - I Visited Wasabi Green on Facebook and left a comment, too :o)

Thanks for including me and all those beachy pillows are gorgeous. Love that it helps an ocean wildlife org - sea turtles!

I love coastal lifestyle because of everything it's about - relaxation, natural beauty, fun, and adventure! Beasically - all the things that your Shop is About!

Best Wishes,


Anonymous said...

PS- Okay to post your giveaway on my blog?

Everything Coastal said...

Beachside Cottage -
Thank you thank you thank you!

Everything Coastal said...

Seaside Style - typing mistakes are always forgiven!


Unknown said...

love the starfish!

ProjectHope7 said...

Liked Wasabi Greens FB page and left a comment!

Cathy B
pbprojecthope at yahoo dot com

ProjectHope7 said...

I am a subscriber also, but wanted to comment how much I love this blog and all its eco friendly beach inspired coastal products... Thos 2 Wasabi Green chocolate and aqua pillows are gorgeous, and I especially also love the linen color and white sea urchin and sand dollar pillows!
Even when we may not purchase that day, the relationship we build with other coastal love people through these sites and blogs is priceless! So inspiring! The sea is such a gift!

Jane said...

So glad I found you through Sally Lee and Simple Daisy! I love "everything" coastal...and this blog, too! LOVE the pillows!!! Being a coastal gal and a beachcomber, I gather the trash left behind by those unthinking sunbathers.It's interesting how the "dog" beach is cleaner than the "people" beach...I also plan my trips to the store to keep from making too many back and forth trips. And I LOVE painting on reclaimed wood...these "canvases" make the most interesting backgrounds for my paintings.

Amanda Marie said...

I'm a new follower of Everything Coastal!

abeachcottage said...

Great pillows! What a lovely giveaway. Thanks for sharing at Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays

Barb K. said...

Hi: Good giveaway. Like the lovely pillows. The ocean is my favorite place to relax and get away from it all. My life style along the coast is to take time for my self and a time to think about really nothing at all. Good blog. Follower Google Friends Connect.

prince snow farm said...

Just followed...nice blog! Live a very coastal life here in southeastern Mass.Nice pillows.

~Tammy~ said...

We use to live in Hawaii, and it's sad when you are away from the tourist areas how much trash is on the beaches! When we would go, we would collect as much as we could and dispose it. Now we live in Virginia, so we miss the coastal lifestyle.

~Tammy~ said...

I follow everything coastal! :-)

cheri said...

i am so happy to have found your blog!! love love love the pillows~~actually have been looking for some coral pillows for some time but havent found any that were exactly right for my needs! love your site!! :)

Chip said...

Follow via GFC - Chip. What a great site. Has me wishing to go back to the ocean.

Erin said...

Love these pillows! New Google Friend follower - thanks for the giveaway!

Marina said...

We live near the beach and have made it a habit to "comb" the beach for litter! :)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

These pillows are beautiful and I love decorating with beautiful ocean inspired decor in our home in Florida! I'm a new follower and I try to use elements from nature and handmade items by local artists in my home! Thanks! ♥

Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said...

Beautiful pillows. Love the crab and the coral ones. We are on the Emerald Coast and we pick up trash when we are on the boat.

mean green mom said...

I'm a new follower and would love to win :D I grew up on the coast playing on the beach everyday, but now we live a few hours away so I miss it a lot. Still I think I incorporate eco coastal living with being a green in many different ways and also just living a mellow laid back life.

annemarie562000 said...

I am a new follower! The pillows look awesome!


Pam Kersting said...

Love the pillows and the blog! I'll be following you. Come visit me too over at

Ginger said...

Lovely pillows and how wonderful to support Sea Turtle Conservation! I lived aboard a sailing vessel exploring the ocean and taught ocean appreciation and conservation to many young students over the years. I would really enjoy a beautiful sea pillow to relax upon!

gene said...

gfc follower as gene smith. i live in wisconsin so lake michigan is as coastal as i get, though i do have an awesome coast themed bathroom.

the crazy persian said...

although i'm a few hours away from the coast i live as eco friendly as i can ^_^ we even grow our own herbs now too

MagicMarkingsArt said...

Caron, I found my way here through Completely Coastal - and am so glad I did. We live on the coast, my husband and son surf, and we are a huge beach loving family. Therefore, are doing our best to help conserve our coastal environment. Thanks so much for your posts and for the introduction to Jolee!

Tonya Dean said...

GFC follower - Tonya Dean
I dream of living on the coast and listening to the pounding of the waves.


Deborah said...

I'm a new blog follower. I used to live near the coast and I like to remember that by decorating our guest bedroom in a coastal style. I must confess that when I miss the ocean and the beach and the salty sea breeze I sometimes nap or read in there. asthenight at gmail dot com

tamathamc said...

new gfc follower & we moved to the beach about 6 months ago, loving it!!

Anonymous said...

WHAT GREAT PILLOWS! ... love all of them but especially sea turtle, waves, and CRAB(Im a cancerian as well as lover of all things ocean).
Palm Beach County Florida has one of the greatest coastlines in the USA...and Im working hard to keep it that way!
Next pillow: I suggest the hypnotic Manta...

Anonymous said...

I found your Facebook page through a FB friend. I love the sea and the islands and try to incorporate that into my life as much as possible. Being near the water is when I can really breathe. It's where I find my peace.

Juleemm said...

I follow on Google Friend Connect as Juleemm2003

juleemm2003 at yahoo dot com

gnwg said...

I follow you on gfc! stephanie
I used to live closer to the coast but I am now about 5 hours away, but still love to visit!
ziggyga athotmaildot com

Erica C. said...

I'm a GFC follower :) I wish I was closer to the beach, but we still visit once a's about 2.5 hours away.

sealaura said...

Hey Doll! Sorry I have not been by in a while, work work work! These pillows are just gorgeous and the fact that they are eco-friendly, even better! I live my eco-friendly coasta life in Monterey California and make a huge effort to eat local. thanks for the opportunity

KowgirlsRule said...

I follow via GFC and live near the beach, so we incorporate coastal shells and things into our lifestyle all the time.

ShesAnAngel said...

I'm a new follower..and I wish oh how I wish that I could tell you about my coastal life, it's really where I'd love to live, I've wanted to move there for my entire life! Unfortunately I cannot but these amazing pillows you are giving away are a good start, they are stunning!

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog. I don't live near the coast but I try to be eco-friendly in my neighborhood and waterways.

Anonymous said...

I would really enjoy a beautiful sea pillow to relax upon!
Thanks for sharing..
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