Miss her every single day.. miss clam digging, sandy fingers, home made berry wine (extremely potent!), chocolate chip cookies, eating pea pods, cutting Christmas Trees, the best clam chowder, Southern Fried Chicken, sleeping in my dad's old brass bed, picking strawberries in the sand dunes, buttery bisquits, orange soda, blackberry syrup, oatmeal with "bugs" (raisins), making grape vine wreaths, collecting sand dollars at Ocean Shores....

And in the sand....what fun they had that day! Escaping for just a short time from the pressures of the great depression and the dust bowl in Texas.
Cannot imagine what courage it took for her to get on a train in Texas, go to San Diego to marry my grandfather before WWII and never look back...
Those memories (and the photos) are treasures. She looks like a lovely and fascinating person.
Thanks Karen for your kind comments. She was something! Fearless, tough, kind..
What lovely photos and memories.
Erin - thank you so much. I think I was born in the wrong time... am always drawn to pictures, memories, china, glassware, etc. for the 1930's - 1940's. So glad you left a comment!
What great photos and memories! You will always cherish them. I love that era too!
Deborah - thanks for your sweet comments!
Great post, I really liked your description. These pictures are indeed treasures. Thanks for sharing. This helps me embrace my new coast a bit more. xo L
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