Monday, June 5, 2017

Attention Sea Glass Fanatics - 7 ideas for Display

So... you have piles of sea glass that you've collected from walks along your favorite shore, or from a special vacation trip.  What to do with all of these precious finds? I am the first person to tell you, that I am NOT a diy "crafty" person, but I do love my sea glass - and I do love finding ways to show it off.  My first piece of advice, make your display easy. Easy to change with the seasons and easy to add more beach glass or shells to your decor.

Here are a few of my personal favorites:

1.  Fill and arrange a glass fillable lamp.  

This large glass lamp is actually in my office (we no longer sell these - so sorry!) and I change it with the seasons or to match whatever room I move it to.  My office is decorated with seafoam greenish-blue and soft red hues so I mixed my lamp with shades of green sea glass and sparkled seashell ornaments with hits of pink. Just make me happy!

Here's another example of the same lamp decorated for our living room -  turquoise glass balls and more blue glass..

2. Use a large Glass Jar/Vase/Container as a bookend.  Look for one with a top, as it's a much better option for keeping the dust down to a minimum. Could even use a "found" canning jar.

I have carried around these large wicker topped jars for several years (at least 10!)  and just keep adding and subtracting sea glass and found shells. Great place to empty my pockets when we get back from the beach!  Hate to confess, but I have several of these jars around my house.... (might have a slight problem with collecting beach "stuff" - lol)

3. The perfect container for coastal display- a faux clam shell.  Mine started out filled with just my tiny collection from the sea glass beach in Fort Bragg (full story here), but somehow I have managed to continually change it up for the holidays and more.

4.  Use something Silver to add Shine!  One of my favorite ways to add some glamour is to display seashells and sea glass in polished silver. Can't go wrong with this decorting idea, and it definitely adds an elegant touch to humble coastal collections!

Start with a silver tray - can be vintage or modern, whatever fits your coastal home!

Then layer on the sea glass details to create the look!

5. Use a Mason Jar to create a hurricane candle holder - perfect for outdoor parties in the summer! Super, super easy - and affordable decoration for beach parties.
We made these for my mom and dad's 50th wedding anniversary - filled with aqua and purple tumbled glass and shells that my mom and I had collected from many beach trips, and from her vintage canning jar collection. To keep candle wax from melting into our creations, I used small glass candle votives placed inside of the sea glass.  Worked perfectly!

6.  Take another look at your candle hurricanes - add sea glass for summer pizazz!

7. Fill up an empty wine bottle with sea glass and cork it tight! Or use any kind of bottle with a cork or a lid... add to a window sill and let the light shine through

Have some fun showing off your favorite pieces - that's what collecting sea glass is all about. Oh, and of course the zen-feeling of walking on the beach and finding just the perfect shade of blue....

And in case you need something pretty to display your treasures - we have some really good ideas!

Oceana Hurricane - Comes with Candle, seaglass, shells and white rocks!  All Ready to go

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