Friday, November 25, 2011

Friday Beach House Photo - Christmas at the Coast #1

I am spending the day in Seattle with my daughter, and surprise, surprise the sun is actually shining!  There has been a steady downpour for most of the time that I have been here.  We are skipping the whole Black Friday thing, but are headed into downtown Seattle via the lightrail to do a little window shopping at some of my favorite haunts... Anthropoligie, Sur La Table, Watson Kennedy, Pike Place Market, Urban Outfitters.... will post the pics on my Facebook page if we see something that Allison thinks is Facebook worthy!

On my list: new oyster glove for Tom, maybe even a special salmon tool that he has been requesting, snarky t-shirts for Alex, Fran's salted caramels for me, (hey, maybe they're on sale!) ... cute things for Allison apartment.

Enjoyed spending the last few days with my kids, hanging out, stuffing ourselves silly with Thanksgiving, and watching a lot of bad movies. Needless to say it's been good to be a little off-the-grid. Mainly because I didn't bring my own computer. And then, just before the big "black Friday" the Caron's website crashed big-time yesterday.   All fixed now, but was a little panic yesterday.

Also because I am computer challenged this week, it's a little difficult to do my usual Beach House Friday posts.  So, am simply posting a couple of my photos that I have been collecting at Pinterest.

Have a great weekend, hope you are enjoying friends and family and are not getting trampled at the mall!

1 comment:

  1. You and I share some favorite Seattle spots. I hope it won't be too crowded. I'm saving my trip for mid-week. We read in this mornings paper that the salmon runs were really good to watch because of all the rain. Think I'll do that.


Thank you so much for commenting on our Everything Coastal page, so excited to meet someone else who shares the love of exploring all that the coast has to offer! Will look forward to continuing our conversation.